Purchasing Cooperative of America

Music in Motion

Awarded Contracts: 

  • PCA OD-320-20 Educational & Instructional Materials, Supplies, and Related


Bid Dept
Kristi Graham, Bid Coordinator
PH:  800-445-0649
Email:  bids@musicmotion.com


Customer Service Dept
Orders & Quotes
PH:  800-445-0649

Members mention & put "PCA OD-320-20 Educational..." on your Purchase Order


Music in Motion - founded in 1976 by Mary Ann Stewart, is a small family-owned business based in Plano, Texas. We have over 7000 music, movement and dance education resources and music-related gifts for all ages -  books & CDsDVDssoftwaregamespostersawardsclassroom and ethnic instrumentsincentivesgiftsteaching aidscostume accessories for performances, and more!