Purchasing Cooperative of America

Mammoth Roofing Services

Awarded Contracts

  • PCA OD-325-20 - RFP Job Order Contracting
    • Awarded  August 17, 2020 – August 16, 2025 


Trisha Lira
2045 Space Park Dr Suite 290
Houston, TX 77058
PH:  832-416-1566
Email:  trishalira@usmammoth.com

Members put "PCA OD-325-20 – JOC”  on your Purchase Order


Mammoth Services, LLC – Mammoth Roofing Services is a woman-owned contractor that has served the Great states of Texas, Louisiana, Colorado, and New Mexico since 2000. Mammoth has over 30 years of combined experience, a diverse project portfolio, and an unrivaled commitment to excellence.