Purchasing Cooperative of America

Falcon Road Maintenance Equipment, LLC

Awarded Contracts:

  • PCA OD-362-22 Road Paving, Materials, Signage, Equipment and Related Items
    • Awarded May 11, 2022  Ends: May 10, 2027



                                Trish Bell
                                PH:  248-860-6064
                                Email:  trish@falconrme.com

                                Ric Simon
                                PH:  248-207-1783
                                Email: ric@falconrme.com

                                Mike Groulx
                                PH:  616-403-5992
                                Email:  mike@falconrme.com


Members put "PCA OD-362-22 Road..." on your Purchase Order/Invoice.


Falcon Road Maintenance Equipment is the leader in the Asphalt Hot Box and Recycler Industry.  From 2 ton to 10 ton capacity, we build trailer, truck mount, and hook lifts. Whether maintaining hot mix hot, heating cold mix, or keeping hot mix warm overnight we have the affordable solution..