Purchasing Cooperative of America


Click here to download the PCA SOLICITATION PROCESS handout.

What does a company do if they have questions while preparing their response to a solicitation? Questions must be posted on Bonfire at least 5 working days prior to the bid opening date; subsequently, all questions and answers will be posted in the Bonfire application. Answers to questions will NOT be discussed by phone or in person during the response period.

When changes are made to a solicitation subsequent to its advertisement an addendum will be made available to all entities that have registered for that solicitation in the Bonfire application. It is the vendor’s responsibility to check Bonfire for an addendum and include the signed addendum in their response.

PCA provides a complete contracting solution! From solicitation to contract award, the process has been completed following Texas (and other states) purchasing and contracting statutes. Due diligence documentation will be provided to Members upon request.