Purchasing Cooperative of America

BLD Services LLC

Awarded Contracts;

  • PCA OD-307-20 Trenchless Rehabilitation & Related Items and Services


Nicole Little
PH:  904-502-2015
Email:  nicole@bldllc.net

Gordon Marshall
PH:  770-317-1600
Email:  gordon@bldllc.net


Members put "PCA OD-307-20 Trenchless” on your Purchase Order


BLD Services LLC - is committed to providing a wide range of trenchless services to help solve sanitary sewer infrastructure issues that customers face every day. Being less disruptive and historically more economical, trenchless sewer rehabilitation provides the client with a solution to their problem, whether it be inflow/infiltration (I/I) mitigation or restoring structural integrity to the system, or a combination of both.

BLD is pleased to offer the following sewer rehabilitation services to PCA Members:

  • CIPP lateral lining
  • Mainline CIPP in small diameter pipe
  • Pipe bursting of small diameter pipe
  • Manhole rehabilitation
  • Vacuum excavation clean-out installation
  • Chemical grouting
  • Spot repairs


With our “value added” services, municipalities can take advantage of comprehensive sewer evaluation services to pinpoint problem areas that might require immediate attention:

  • Manhole assessment, including 3D
  • Smoke and dye testing
  • PACP coded CCTV of mainlines and laterals
  • GPS data collection


Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to discuss your next sewer project!